New Jersey State Flag Pins

New Jersey State Flag Pins

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50 Crossings是一切
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 科托努 (贝宁)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 博博迪乌拉索 (布基纳法索)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 莫罗尼 (科摩罗)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 阿達瑪 (埃塞俄比亚)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - ??? (喀麦隆)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 班吉 (中非共和国)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 布拉柴维尔 (刚果)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 恩贾梅纳 (乍得)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 哈博罗内 (博茨瓦纳)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 马拉博 (赤道几内亚)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 普拉亚 (佛得角)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 吉布提 (吉布提)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 本吉拉 (安哥拉)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 布卡武 (刚果民主共和国)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 布琼布拉 (布隆迪)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 阿斯马拉 (厄立特里亚)
格拉茨 (奥地利) - 埃塞俄比亚 (???)格拉茨 (奥地利) - 安哥拉 (??)

New Jersey Flag Lapel Pin is crafted by soft enamel . New Jersey Flag Lapel Pin dies struck with gold finish. Each New Jersey Flag Pin is individually poly bagged and fixed by a butterfly clutch back. GS-JJ can provide many different enamel pins and lapel pins at the lowest price.

In 1780, during the Revolutionary war, General George Washington directed that the regiments of the New Jersey Continental Line have a flag of dark blue and buff (buff and Jersey blue are now recognized as the official state colors of New Jersey). Three plows on the shield honor the state's agricultural tradition. The helmet above the shield faces forward, an attitude denoting sovereignty (fitting for one of the first governments created under the notion that the state itself is the sovereign). The crest above the helmet is a horse's head (the horse is also New Jersey's official state animal). The supporting female figures are Liberty and Ceres (Roman goddess of grain - a symbol of abundance). Liberty carries the liberty cap on her staff and Ceres holds a cornucopia filled with harvested produce; they are supported by a banner that reads "Liberty and Prosperity" (New Jersey's state motto).

GS-JJ.com Our product lines include: Custom Lapel Pins, Custom Lanyards, Custom Baseball Trading Pins, Custom Medals, Custom Belt Buckles, Custom Challenge Coins, Custom Ornaments, Custom Embroidered Patches, Custom Keychains, Silicon Wristband and MORE ...

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New Jersey State Flag PinsNew Jersey State Flag Pins